The final exam of Saturn in Scorpio comes to humanity at the end of the month, putting forward yet new challenges to old patterns that we must solve once and for all. Saturn will transit in the last degrees of Scorpio in the region called Gandanta or Karmic knot. This means letting go of the past, and closing cycles, so new one can be opened. It will be a challenging time yet, Due to presence of Jupiter in Libra, there are indications and desire for peaceful resolutions. It is time to face out fears, and find solutions to destructive patterns. Planet Mercury will be exalted in the sign of Virgo, favoring organizational activities, and later n in the month, Mercury and Venus will form a Parivartana yoga. It will be a very mixed month with good results. It is time for definite changes in our lives. Get ready for a whole new cycle as Humanity leaps forward in its technological and philosophical understanding of life, and the purpose of it.

In the hope and prayer that this may bring you help and awareness during this time. Wishing you a happy October.