Michael Pilarczyk
“Jyotish” or Vedic Astrology is the Sanskrit word meaning: “Science of Light”, also known as the Eye of the Vedas. It is the ancient astrological system that has been used by sages and seers of India for Milleniums, and today is still the most accuarate predictive system in the world.
Vedic Astrology is intimately related to all aspects of Human Life, and helps us understand and Fulfill our life-quest in 4 areas: Dharma or Duty, Artha or Wealth, Kama or Pleasure, Moksha or Spiritual Liberation.
Simone Levis
“Jyotish” or Vedic Astrology is the Sanskrit word meaning: “Science of Light”, also known as the Eye of the Vedas. It is the ancient astrological system that has been used by sages and seers of India for Milleniums, and today is still the most accuarate predictive system in the world.
Vedic Astrology is intimately related to all aspects of Human Life, and helps us understand and Fulfill our life-quest in 4 areas: Dharma or Duty, Artha or Wealth, Kama or Pleasure, Moksha or Spiritual Liberation.
Mae Belteyn
“Jyotish” or Vedic Astrology is the Sanskrit word meaning: “Science of Light”, also known as the Eye of the Vedas. It is the ancient astrological system that has been used by sages and seers of India for Milleniums, and today is still the most accuarate predictive system in the world.
Vedic Astrology is intimately related to all aspects of Human Life, and helps us understand and Fulfill our life-quest in 4 areas: Dharma or Duty, Artha or Wealth, Kama or Pleasure, Moksha or Spiritual Liberation.